Wednesday 25 April 2012

The Avengers Review

The screening of Marvel's The Avengers was a private screening for our University Sci-fi club. We filled out the whole theatre. So we were all very excited and it was good to be amongst such an appreciative and reactive audience.
The film follows directly on from the other Marvel Universe movies, IronMan 1/2, Thor, Captain America, The Incredible Hulk. It starts with Thor's brother, Loki returning to Earth to steal the Tesseract and plans to take over and rule humanity. In the wake of this new threat Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) assembles 'The Avengers', a team of the best Superheroes around to fight Loki and his army! Problem is.. they don't know quite how to work as a team.

I love how well established the characters are. All are given equal weight on the screen which makes it well balanced and feel more about the 'team' then any one super hero. Along with some very good lines, the relationships and tension between the heroes has a very good comedic pay off. Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) is just a hilarious and quick witted as ever which is something I feared might be lost in this movie.

The action sequences were delightfully action packed and thrilling to watch. A spectacle that in my opinion far succeeded those from all the other Marvel movies to date. How can one not be pleased to have such a great combination from the brutal force of The Hulk, smashing everything in his path, to the lethal tactics of the slinky, sexy agent Black Widow? However in my opinion, though all the characters where well weighted in terms of development and screen time, I couldn't help but feel that the team may as well be just made up of Ironman and Thor and maybe the Hulk as they seemed to do most of the work and could have probably managed on their own. No offence to the Black Widow and Hawkeye, but when fighting a whole extraterrestrial army (the Chitauri) arrows and a pistol didn't seem to be a fat lot of help.

However, when it comes to the question of whether or not this movie delivered you can get an unmistakeable resounding YES from me! I loved every moment of it! The script was great, the cinematography was great! I would give it 4 1/2 stars! 

Mikey, failing at doing a serious face haha (≧∇≦)

A bit blurry but you can see that Mikey and I are trying to mimic our favourite Avengers! ◕ ‿ ◕ 

I don't know what I was trying to do...but hey look! It's me and Black Widow!! ^-^;;

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