Monday 30 April 2012

Childhood Memories :)

Oh my gosh, this is kind of embarrassing but this is what I did in my childhood, The Dress-Up Box, I was the 'veteran', the only kid to be in all four seasons. haha. I am the one in the tag photo. *^.^*

Daily Outfit #7


Daily Outfit #7
(It was really cold and windy so I had to take the photo inside)
Cardie: Alice Euphemia, Melbourne
Dress: Sirens, Canada
Stockings: Alice Euphemia, Melbourne
Shoes: Farmers
I apologise for the creepy smile (_ _)

Saturday 28 April 2012

Daily Outfit #6

Flatmate: Come on smile *does silly actions*
Me: *cracks up but tries to keep laughter contained*

Daily Outfit #6
(Outfit today for going out busking and doing a few odd jobs.)
Headbow: Bodyline
Blouse: Bodyline
Tie: ...Idk, mum gave it to me XP
Skirt: TradeMe
Socks: Bodyline
Shoes: Bodyline

You may be noticing a trend, yes I do get a lot of things from Bodyline, it is affordable and fantastic! ^.^

Venus and Victoria

The woman in this video acts as though this is a horrifying thing for a teenage girl to do. But as the mum says, there are far worse things to worry about....
This girl below is also 15 years old like Venus above, and demonstrates the extreme of what parent's SHOULD be worried about for their teenage daughters...

Friday 27 April 2012

Hello Kitty!

If I were to ever learn to drive properly (I only just got my Learners recently) I would love to pimp my ride like this!!

Daily Outfit #5

Daily Outfit #5
(Pirate outfit for a little boy's pirate party today, minus the eyepatch)
Shirt: TradeMe
Pants: Farmers
Socks: Bodyline
Shoes: Hush Puppies I think...?
My eyepatch can actually be seen around my wrist haha ^_^

♪Chocolate Love♪

One of my favourite Girl's Gen songs!
 ♫ Chocolate Love ♫ ♪♪

Thursday 26 April 2012

Fit for a Sweet Lolita!

My dream/future house!!
 ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

Daily Outfit #4

Daily Outfit #4
Headpiece: Angelic Pretty
Dress/JSK: Angelic Pretty
Socks: Bodyline
Shoes: Bodyline

Had just walked home so my hair was a little messy and the sun had disappeared and my flatmate thought he'd be clever by taking photos when I wasn't ready (bottom left) haha. ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

♪Medicate With Tea♪

I don't do crack, I've never seen cocaine

And fortunately I rarely pop an Aspirin when in pain
'Cause I wanna be - of alcohol or any drug at all - completely free
But I self-medicate with tea
I know just where to go to get my fix:
The beverage aisle
At Starbucks, I confess, I get my kicks
I'm not in denial
My oolong heals
Your dealer deals for quite a hefty fee
So I self-medicate with tea
It's not that I'm not miserable as any old drunk
My life is no more bearable than any old junkie
I'd jump out a window
Suicide's a sin though
I've found another way
There's no amount I wouldn't pay
To overdose on Earl Grey
Or English Breakfast
When I'm hopped up on caffeinated Chai
I'm feeling the buzz
And when you asked if I liked to get high
I already was
It's black or green or in-between
Sometimes it looks like weed
But my self-medicating
Improves my mental stating
I don't need to go to rehab
Or to set up a meth lab
I may be a cynic
But the Betty Ford clinic
Isn't ever gonna break me from my habit of choice
It's my opium, my Xanax and it's good for my voice
I hope you comprehend my reasoning
Twinings, Liptons, even Celestial Seasonings
Keep your marijuana
I got my own remedy
I self-self-medicate with tea
It's chamomile

Tea, Tea everywhere, but not a drop to drink! D:

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Daily Outfit #3

Daily Outfit #3
Jumpershorts: Bodyline
Belt: Glassons...I think
Glasses: ...Somewhere in Nelson
Socks: Bodyline
Shoes: Bodyline
It was another beautiful day in Christchurch today, here I am catching the last rays of sun on the porch of my Villa home. ^_^

The Avengers Review

The screening of Marvel's The Avengers was a private screening for our University Sci-fi club. We filled out the whole theatre. So we were all very excited and it was good to be amongst such an appreciative and reactive audience.
The film follows directly on from the other Marvel Universe movies, IronMan 1/2, Thor, Captain America, The Incredible Hulk. It starts with Thor's brother, Loki returning to Earth to steal the Tesseract and plans to take over and rule humanity. In the wake of this new threat Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) assembles 'The Avengers', a team of the best Superheroes around to fight Loki and his army! Problem is.. they don't know quite how to work as a team.

I love how well established the characters are. All are given equal weight on the screen which makes it well balanced and feel more about the 'team' then any one super hero. Along with some very good lines, the relationships and tension between the heroes has a very good comedic pay off. Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) is just a hilarious and quick witted as ever which is something I feared might be lost in this movie.

The action sequences were delightfully action packed and thrilling to watch. A spectacle that in my opinion far succeeded those from all the other Marvel movies to date. How can one not be pleased to have such a great combination from the brutal force of The Hulk, smashing everything in his path, to the lethal tactics of the slinky, sexy agent Black Widow? However in my opinion, though all the characters where well weighted in terms of development and screen time, I couldn't help but feel that the team may as well be just made up of Ironman and Thor and maybe the Hulk as they seemed to do most of the work and could have probably managed on their own. No offence to the Black Widow and Hawkeye, but when fighting a whole extraterrestrial army (the Chitauri) arrows and a pistol didn't seem to be a fat lot of help.

However, when it comes to the question of whether or not this movie delivered you can get an unmistakeable resounding YES from me! I loved every moment of it! The script was great, the cinematography was great! I would give it 4 1/2 stars! 

Mikey, failing at doing a serious face haha (≧∇≦)

A bit blurry but you can see that Mikey and I are trying to mimic our favourite Avengers! ◕ ‿ ◕ 

I don't know what I was trying to do...but hey look! It's me and Black Widow!! ^-^;;

Daily Outfit #2

Daily Outfit #2
Outfit for The Avengers movie!
Entire outfit: Bodyline
Was a really good movie and it was wonderful to view it in a cinema rented out privately for a whole club of us sci-fi and comic geeks! We all clapped and cheered and laughed loudly together! So much fun!!
I plan on writing a review on the movie later. Just for fun. ^.^

Monday 23 April 2012

Daily Outfit #1

Daily Outfit #1
Headbow: Bodyline
Blouse: Bodyline
Skirt: Angelic Pretty
Socks and Shoes: Bodyline
Fun in the sun on the porch of my villa! ^_^